Java is one of the best and popular programming languages created ever. Java has gained strength every passing day. Learning how to code is intense and challenging, so you want to feel that you have chosen the right technology to focus on learning. No matter what language you learn, you will still be able to build your problem-solving skills and the ability that can help you accelerate your transition to a career in tech. Java is the fifth popular programming language in the world. Java is a good language for beginners. Here are some lists of reasons why you need to learn java.
What is java?

Java is a programming language used for everything from game development to game development. It was created to be a simple version of C++ known for having steep learning and difficult to use. Java is object-oriented, which means developers can use classes to define data, and the methods can be executed on data.
Java is flexible and versatile:
Java may be old, but the language is still known for its versatility and capability across a huge range of contexts. In today’s, it is used for everything from developing the web to implementing internet of things devices like heaters and smart bulbs. It is commonly used for analyzing big data sets, performing mathematical and scientific calculations, and more. It is important because once you study java, there is really a limit to what you can create aside from your dream.
Updated features:
It is found that java for beginners these days is more popular with updated features. Java is going through unthinkable evolutions that brought up huge remarkable changes and added ones to the programming language. The latest version of java is oracle java 15. This comprises the latest foreign memory access, the latest text blocks, and the sealed class previews and records. Java 15 is treated as a short-term release as it is supposed to be operational for months with support until the next arrives.
Java has a supportive community:
Java has a huge community of loyal developers who use the technology. There are many companies and people that rely on java. There is a huge resource out there that you can use to study how to code in java. From online courses to comprehensive coding, you have no trouble finding a learning resource that matches your learning style and unique needs. Java is an Object-oriented programming language, and it is easy and simple to modify and maintain, adding new code and existing code to the projects.
Bottom line:
If you are looking to get started, java is the right platform designed to help beginners seek jobs, find research, and connect with job training programs to advance your careers.